Pursuant to California Health & Safety Code §35830; California Code Reg. tit.§7114
It is illegal to discriminate in the provision of or in the availability of financial assistance because of the consideration of:
It is illegal to consider the racial, ethnic, religious or national origin composition of a neighborhood or geographic area surrounding a housing accommodation or whether or not such composition is undergoing change, or is expected to undergo change, in appraising a housing accommodation or in determining whether or not, or under what terms and conditions to provide financial assistance.
These provisions govern financial assistance for the purpose of the purchase, construction, rehabilitation or refinancing of one- to four-unit family residences occupied by the owner and for the purpose of the home improvement of any one- to four-unit family residence.
If you have any question about your rights, or if you wish to file a complaint, contact the management of this financial institution or the Department of Financial Protection and Innovation at one of the following locations:
2101 Arena Blvd.10.12.20